About Perspectec

About Perspectec’s Institutional Equity Research

Perspectec publishes market moving equity research on publicly traded Canadian and U.S. companies. We focus on North American equities with a market capitalization of $300 million to billions of dollars.
Perspectec does not trade the stocks covered or mentioned in our reports.
Fees for Perspectec conducting an unbiased report range from $3,000 to $16,000. Our analysis typically includes a 1,000+ line breakdown of a company’s income statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet and discounted cash flow model and line item forecasts in excel.
In conjunction with our work, we produce unique non-Bloomberg, unbiased raw data for multivariate time series modeling that can be leveraged for a multivariate time series model, quant factor models and/or a final powerpoint presentation, similar to the ones shown HERE.

► We provide easy to understand, unique and in-depth powerpoint pitches, data and models

► We conduct surveys and gather unique material data in an attempt to find patterns with orders/sales, estimate sales quotas and/or demand/supply curves for products, analyze Chinese VIE structures, examine CPM / CPC pricing changes and undertake other unique work to uncover angles that impact a stock’s current and future value. Based on the share price of equities following our initiations and the firms reading our research, we believe our research has materially impacted the share price of numerous mid-cap Canadian stocks.

Other Stuff

► Perspectec is a registered investment adviser firm (CRD# 287591/SEC#: 801-110017).

► Perspectec is returning to our downtown Toronto office in September 2023

Source: Perspectec

Returns reflect equal-weighted portfolios for buy and sell recommendations under our Perspectec Focused Portfolio universe as of December 31, 2021. Returns reflect rebalancing on dates where there are additions, deletions and recommendations changes.

All Perspectec stock recommendations are backed by our research that is available to our clients.

Please contact us at general@perspectec.com for more details or questions.